Established California

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THE WIND IN OUR SAILS: An Adventure in Redondo Beach, CA

What happens when you put four photographers, their cameras and a bottle of wine on a sailboat? A really fun time!  The Established California Team decided to head out on Saturday for a day out on the water in Redondo Beach. With help from South Bay Sailing, we were able to get out on the water, sit back and enjoy the wind in our sails. After lots of laughter, dancing and photos, we watched the sun set over the horizon and couldn't help but feel our hearts fill with love for our beloved California lives -- thankful to be sharing it with the best of friends. 

What's your California? Share with us by using #estcalifornia on your social devices and submit your own Adventures here


These photos are the product of a collaboration by Ashley WilliamsRenata Amazonas, Lindsay Vacek & Thomas Williams / Foreword by Lindsay Vacek for Established California. 

See this gallery in the original post